Every morning since school began I take my Bible and go out by the baseball field and read His word back to Him out loud to make it real to me.  I call to mind the faces of the people I’ve met the day before and sit them out before him like treasures I found on a seashore.  I told God when this whole thing began that I would bring back whomever crossed my path that day and lay them quiet at His feet and invite Him in.  And each day He seems to bring someone new, someone He gently lays as a stone on my foundation so we can build together.
Yesterday I left the school to do my other “job” and found myself back earlier than expected and went into the lunchroom to get something to eat.  There sat a mom I hadn’t met.  In the time it takes to eat a barbecue sandwich, she and I, we joined hearts.  “We used to have White House nights when I was growing up to teach us how to act in public,” she said….and I stopped her.  Did you say “White House nights?? I did that with my kids!”  I almost cried right there.  That my Creator would delight in such a small heart string to tie together the Body of Christ together.
And today I sat in a group of women who come to the school to pray.  That’s all. Pray.  And I found a quiet place after to cry happy tears that fall even now as I type this.  My heart is learning to safely trust.
And this.  These kids who literally have grabbed hold of me and caused me to fall hopelessly in love.

I sat in on an art class today and watched a new teacher , who I’ve gone to church with these past three years, swell up giddy happy at being able to do this.”I never expected to love this so much!”, she bubbled. I watched the kids come up to her and ask her a question and listen to her explain and she turned to me with a big smile on her face.  “Did you hear that??,” she whispered?  “I just taught them something!”.  Yes.  Yes!  I heard it and I celebrate quiet in my head for her.  Because I get that joy!
I took a walk right after lunch and looked up at the sky.  “Father,” I choked out through joy threatening to spill down my face.  “You did all of this on my behalf.  Someone who’s felt so small; so invisible for so long.  There’s so much for me now it all keeps dropping out of my hands.”  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.  You are so beautiful to me.