“Do you ever feel like a complete failure?” And you go to answer it and instead you “accidentally” call them. And you say, “what’s going on?” and you really mean….what just happened with the phone?……but you hear the person’s voice on the other end and then you realize…….
Oh. “What’s going on?” means something entirely different.
And they tell you. The details. The argument. The feelings of failure.
And you hear yourself asking…”What are you afraid of?” Like, underneath it all? And the answer is the surface reason. “No,” you hear yourself saying. “What are you afraid of most?”
“Being alone. Feeling like I don’t have anyone. No friends. Nothing.”
That’s what you’re really “arguing” about. That’s where the enemy has you. It’s fear. And fear tells lies. And wreaks havoc.
And you realize, probably more than the person you are talking to, that you are not the “wise” one. You are not the answer at all. You realize that God Himself just spoke out of your own mouth…..to the both of you.
That’s how He uses us in each other’s lives.
What are you afraid of?
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