It occurred to me this morning, as I sat all quiet and peaceful……and read words that told me that God founded the mountains, stills the roaring of the waves, visits earth and saturates it with water……founded the mountains, for crying out loud?? That’s a might more powerful that I can wrap myself around. And then, following all that power? Then this…..He stills the tumult of his people and makes the soil soft with showers and blesses the sprouting of its vegetation and crowns the year with beauty and goodness. The meadows are clothed with flocks, the valleys are covered with grain…..
It strikes me. It strikes me in all that Power….the words turn soft and gentle and loving. Stills, showers, blesses, crowns, clothes and covers. I crave that assurance, that gentle heart touch.
Those words soothe me when the weeks can be filled with hospitals and clogged drains and crowns of a different sort that fall out and need a dentist and cars that go bump and squeak so you turn up the radio and you don’t hear the fear and vulnerable that keeps wanting to forget that if He founded the mountains? Surely He won’t forget me?
I cling tight to His assurance that He owns the cattle on the hills I bump along on. Sometimes I fiercely wipe away tears that betray my looking at the water moments. Often I feel like a comedy of errors that need a Lucy and Ethel rescue and it makes me want to pull up fake and hide behind it. No amount of fretting, though, takes away my choice to still believe. To sit up on the front of the boat and laugh at the trouble when it sloshes in my nose and eyes.
“Blessed, happy, is the man whom You choose and cause to come near, that He may dwell in Your courts.”
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