I go to lunch each day and sit with the kids because they make the light shine bright and I get to hear how much they like math and science (what?!) and that they are just really excited that their friend gets to spend the night tomorrow night and they have popcorn in their lunchbox and did I see their new shoes. I make them laugh by being sillier than they are and they are taken by surprise that I can be sillier than they are it just never gets old to me. Never.
Today I chose to sit with some fourth graders, only one of whom I’d gotten to know well. That one turned to the girl next to her. “She’s one of my best friends,” she said and pointed to me.
One of my friends works here too. Her first year teaching. I got a message from her today. It was a picture one of her students drew her. “You are the best art teacher ever!” She, like me, can’t get over her good fortune at being here.
Then, I got to sit and listen to what sounded to me like voices of heaven practice Pinocchio today. And I just…..and I just…..and I just can’t keep finding words big enough.
When you fall in love with kids? Your heart gets bigger. 🙂
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