It is. Well. With my soul. We sang that acapella tonight at the concert I went to with my girl. Audience voices quiet and reverent…swelling there at the end. There was a time recent when it wasn’t well. So I quiet listened to the voices and didn’t join in. I just wanted to savor the truth of it and let it speak to me. It is truly well with my soul.
My girl and I, we drove home tired. She talked nonstop of school. Then she got still. “Thank you, Mama. For this tonight.” In the beginning, she and I weren’t the ones going but that changed abruptly today and she saw liquid disappointment spill down my face all the way home from school. She felt me struggle with no details given and meet the gaze head on and try to figure out how to wave and smile where once I would have ridden away with. It felt odd fitting on us both. “It’s “stupid”, she spit out. “How this happened.” I could feel her frustration at not being able to make it okay. At having to let go of something she’d begun to trust.
So tonight, my girl and I, we left out in the glaze of an orange sun setting big on the horizon and headed to the concert alone. We hugged friends we hadn’t seen in months and smiled for our selfie and let the words and the truth of the songs wash over our spirits. We chose joy. In spite of things threatening to stab it in the heart.
Behold the Lamb has become our Christmas gift to ourselves; it sets our gaze and our season And today we needed an extra portion to remind us He is steadfast, that He wraps us up in His arms and doesn’t let go, that we need not lean on our own understanding, or lack of it.
We don’t always feel it? But tonight….it is well with our soul and we are safe in His watch.
Merry Christmas to us