I sat in on my friends’ art class yesterday and I could taste the energy in the room.  They walked in trotting because you just canNOT get through life when you’re that age by w a l k i n g.  Because it was art, they came in all suited up for messy.  And one little guy?  Captured my attention, all oversized man’s shirt with the sleeves flopping way past where his hands should be and that little guy just could not contain all that was in him.  He’s the kid who makes teaching a roomful more than a little distracting but by himself, he fascinated me.  And he was by himself because he had to be separated in order for the class to pay better attention to the teacher and not so much to him.  This is the one who can’t sit still, who needs to talk and reacts in capital letters.  He does what he “shouldn’t” do?  But there’s a certain sense of mancubness to him that makes me think…..untamed, except by God?  He’s gonna be straight up awesome. 
Next to mancub was a teeny little ladylike who needed me to know that yes, she in fact could write her name in cursive and proceeded to grasp her pencil in all manner of awkward to show me, lips pursed in concentration.  The rough and tumble across from her laughed out loud at the discovery that he’d gotten sharpie marks on himself.  When’s the last time you laughed about that?  Why isn’t that funny anymore?
They burst with something they just have to tell me right that minute and “Oh! Oh!  I know the answer to that!  Like, can you imagine??  The teacher asked a question and I know the answer!  What manner of wonder is that??  Isn’t life grand?! ” I wonder what it would be like if all the men in a conference room randomly pulled their t shirts over their heads when they were listening to the speaker.  Or blew a bubble on purpose to cover your face when it pops….and you hope it pops.  
I often feel like the odd crayon in the box amongst my fellow grown ups because….well, the wonder we’ve left behind just always feels so much  more “right” and I just don’t want to sit in my chair. Sometimes?  Water fights and skateboards in the kitchen just seem way too fun to put a stop to.