This has been a week. Snapshots of life that I took with my head and my heart and saved for later, to remember, to ponder, to learn from, to talk over with my Creator, to savor, to kick to the side as so much mental distraction. I won’t…..I refuse…to let it alter Truth.
I had a young mama step onto my life’s doorstep and reach out for words from someone who’s been there. I treasure those times; to reassure, to build up, to restore something that’s been battered around and tattered up from living.
I sat with a boy and we talked about what we were afraid of and figured out; we’re not that different in our fears; and we sat close to each other for comfort and sorted things out. Learning someone is scary sometimes. You risk being misunderstood. If you can get to the other side of the conversation, sometimes you see the Son come up on both of you.
I’ve figured out I have a hard time receiving. It scares me. It warms me. It encourages me. It puzzles me. I keep wanting to give it back, just in case you didn’t really mean it; to give you a chance to recant. I realize it’s uncovering just how deep some wounds can go? And healing them at the same time.
One of the people I work for; she lost her mama this week. I came to her house to help put things back in order. What I actually did was sit on the floor with her and let her show me a video of her sweet mom swaying to music she loved so much and seeing my friends’ eyes fill with tears and realize…..this was a moment of trust. She’d put her heart next to mine and let me see that it hurt. I hugged her gentle and swallowed the lump in my throat.
I made soup, more than one kind, because it’s how I love. I took pictures because it’s how I see. I shared time because it’s how I care. I watched a kid skate, even though he was at first afraid other kids might make fun of him if they saw him bring me along. But the desire to have me proud of him overruled and he pulled me out of my car, where I sat hidden to protect his fragile heart, and made sure I saw what he could do. And I silently cheered him on and prayed him to grow brave in spirit.
This has been a week. I’m grateful for it.
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