I had a Money Pit moment this weekend.  My utility sink overflowed and created a beautiful beach scene in my kitchen.  The bathroom sink next to that filled up with what can only be described as swamp creature gross.  And just to finish things off, my kitchen sink in the next room, when the water settled, appeared to be blessed with sandy granola.  It all caught my attention. Except, I didn’t know what to do about it but to call my trusty little “retired” plumber who’s played Superman to my plumbing catastrophes in the past at a moments’ notice.  This time though, when I called, he did not answer.   And so there was morning, and there was evening and the day passed with no plumbing relief.

So, me being a single woman and having become used to the category of….”I have no idea what that noise is so I will ignore it and hope it goes away”….I just simply pretended the water was not a problem and waited until the sink had drained and then did another load because I needed to do laundry.  And then?  Then I mopped up the effect of that.  And there was morning, and there was evening and the sun set on day two of lagoon water.

Yesterday morning, though, the sun shone bright on my old Kentucky home and Superman, the plumber, called.  He’d had his own catastrophe at home but things were settled now and he’d be over sometime later that day.  Since I was going to be gone, I left the front door unlocked and prayed vandals would take only what they absolutely needed and leave me something to work with.  When I came back home and walked into the kitchen/laundry room the angels sang.  Not only was the lagoon water and salty granola cleaned up, but my floor had been mopped bone dry and all was right with the world.

For those of you who have your man by your side, things like swamps in your kitchen are easier to take in stride.  But for me, yesterday, I learned that, once again, while I choose to wait for Him to provide that man that will love Him more than me, or never provide that man at all, God is the God of Lagoon Water and nothing is too small for Him to show off ridiculous mighty to win my heart.