Thoughts on faith and life and life in faith

Joy Train…..Where Honey Meets Sunshine



Last night, just before I pulled the chain on the antique lamp just above my head my friend pushed a question through the airwaves at me.  It wandered through the catacombs of my brain while I slept and nudged me awake early, still perched.  “How is one to focus on being truly joyful in life when others say that ones life is to be localized? To be completely focused on “the mission” God has given all of us?”  I answered quick off my head and then fell asleep.  When I woke up and looked around the dark room, I found the question looking at me.  And then I asked myself, “What does localized mean?”  But first, coffee.

“Limit, restrict, confine, contain, concentrate, circumscribe.”  That sounded heavy, harsh, burdensome.  No playing in puddles in the rain.  I needed more coffee.  Circumscribe?  I came back to my computer, steaming coffee rising in my face.  “To draw a figure around another, touching it at points, but not cutting it.”  Ah, there it was.  There came the answer flooding into my mind.   If we are “localized”….we need to determine what we are localized for.

could it be…that we are to confine ourselves to joyful living?
that the only limit on that joy would be that which would blaspheme the work the Spirit has done in you?
that joy alone, as your springboard for living, draws people to you and thus to Him?
that true joyfullness, which is born out of awareness of brokenness and then rescue is indeed “localized living”?
I want three things from you, I told my friend, three things that spawn circles of joy in you.  Mine are when sunshine hits honey; when a total stranger smiles back at me when I’ve started the process; the fact that my body produces a really good poop, without a colostomy bag.  
This “circumscribe” word.  This captivates me.  To reach out with our joy circles, to touch one another, but not cut, ah…..there it is.  There is that holy, localized, make a difference living that my Rescuer of my soul “confines” me to, frees me to.   May your joy circles ripple out unceasing today.

1 Comment

  1. Jamie Martin

    Love love love love love love love ❤️

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