One bag at a time. That’s how. I absolutely could not fall asleep last night, so, after 380 bags of popcorn bagging , a special treat for all the students from my daughters’ school at lunchtime, I got flat out loopy and started singing Taylor Swift songs to myself. I refrained from dancing. But I made better friends with a new friend who was working with me and my very favorite part was the antsy on the ceiling little guy who ran up, grabbed his bag and announced….”POPCORN IS AWESOME!” Life should always be that good, yes? He made me laugh joyful!
How to Bag 380 Bags of Popcorn on No Sleep
Today was our first full “real” day at school and, although I was sleep deprived, I took home treasures I would never in a lifetime have enough money to buy. Standing in the lunchroom, watching my girl walk in with her brand new knee socks and back pack over her shoulder, I barely recognized her for a moment amongst the sea of khaki. I smiled. She’s my daughter and my little companion. It seems strange to not have her by my side. I had to ask the mama question….”Are you doing ok, lovey?” because, you know, she’s mine and this is new and she’s a little tired, she says, but enjoying herself and “I’m the only girl in Biology.” She’s ok if anyone ever was. She can hold her own in a roomful of boys.
I helped out in the office and learned I may need practice with opening things with combinations and found a Reese cup and encouraging note in my mailbox and shook more hands I’d never met the owners of and got completely turned around making my way around the school because I am directionally challenged, that is why.
I had a twelve year old friend give me gigantic hugs and sit and help me in the store and say silly things because that’s what twelve year olds do and there’s nothing like a twelve year old boy. I know this because I had three. They are the spice of life.
My girl and I drove to get something to eat because that popcorn had long since left us empty and it was good to sit with her and hear about her adventures and tell her mine. And plus I was in no shape to cook something without setting it on fire.
So, that is how you have a good day on no sleep and lots of popcorn.
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