Two weeks ago I walked into church and a new person was there; so I did what I have desperately tried to train myself not to do….I hugged her! I am a hugger and, culturally, Korean people generally are not. In a desire to honor that, I pass those hugs out sparingly or, more sparingly than I usually do …but that day, this girl got a hug. “I’m sorry!”, I said as I pulled back. “That might have been too forward of me! I’m trying to be better about that!” “No! I like hugs!,” she said and gave me one of her own. There was an immediate connection. Would she like to sit beside me, I asked and she did, indeed. And thus began a friendship that grew a stem today.
When I began my baptism into all that is Korea, I was intrigued with the language; the cadence, the inflection, the written word itself. I found it beautiful, lyrical and I pondered to myself how fun it would be to learn it but I am not an easy language picker upper…..and contented myself with a bit of Duo lingo here and there. Then one day, while planning my trip to Colorado to see my son and looking through various online sites about Fort Collins I happened upon a Korean Language School that offered an online option. There ended up not being enough adult beginners for that semester so I ordered the curriculum and did it myself and for the first time I began to retain what I was learning and made myself flash cards and progress was being made and then….it wasn’t. And what I realized was….I needed accountability because I respond well to shame if I don’t do the lesson and have to look you in the eye and tell you that.
Enter Sol, the Korean who hugs. 🙂 Turns out….she is a Korean teacher. And today? Over lunch and sharing life stories…she became MY Korean teacher and, even better, friend. “Let’s see what you remember about what you’ve learned,” she said and began to write things down for me to read and write in hangul. Turns out, this girl has remembered more than she bargained for. “That is correct!” she would say to me in Korean (I know this because I asked her what she was saying). 🙂 When it came time for the double consonants I felt sure I had forgotten but …..I didn’t. The difference is, having her there in front of me, she gave me little tricks that turned the light on. “Double consonants sound angry!” she smiled. YES! And just like that I will remember how to say them!
It came to set up a schedule; some weeks we will meet in person, some online. “It is a bit awkward for me to discuss payment,” she said shyly. “Sol, I charge for what I do. The Bible says a good worker is worth their hire. I am happy to pay you! I’ve been waiting three years to find you!” And with that, she sent me home with what we had practiced and a plan to begin lessons and homework.
Today I began what I know will be a consistent and well done language learning plan. But I also began a friendship. Sol and I share similar things in life that I have walked through and she is currently experiencing. She is beginning a new path and new freedom that will let the light in and together we can encourage one another….one new word at a time! <3
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