I went to bed early because I love to rise early.  That’s why I’m awake and writing now.  It’s not because of angst or anything amiss.  It’s just who I am and what I do.  The end of the year is now fully in sight and the proverbial light is at the end of the tunnel of 2015.  The thing is, it’s just a page on the calendar.  There’s no magic in changing year numbers.  We’re one square away from the day before.  But somehow we hang our hopes or regrets on this manufactured sense of “new” and by mid winter we find nothing’s necessarily changed.  Unless we want it to.

  And so, it becomes, not a matter of a newly packaged year, but a new will.  Change can happen on any given Tuesday in July without having to wait until January next.  Choice is the catalyst to exchange truth for a lie; first choice for second best or not at all then, thank you; honesty for hiding; risk for running; moving for stuck; clarity for muddy waters, purity for compromise; new for old.

It can be baby steps?  But forward is forward; not grinding gears.  Not plowing fallow ground over and over.  It’s planting new bulbs.  It’s breathing new air.  It’s buying the ticket and getting on the bus.  And the good news is?  You don’t have to wait until January 1st.  The other good news is, it’s never too late.

Step away from the calendar.

In the words of my favorite Man…..”Today is the day….”- Jesus