Oswald Chambers told me this this morning.
“Once the Bible was just so many words to us; “clouds and darkness”. Then, suddenly the words become spirit and life because Jesus re-speaks them to us when our circumstances make the words new.
The words that I speak to you are spirit and they are life- Jesus, John 6:63
Beth Moore taught me this.
Three times a day, Daniel got down on his knees and prayed…Daniel 6:10
Did you know, in Hebrew, the word “prayed” is translated “to limp, as if one sided”? I found that fascinating. She then reminded me of something. When we pray, God doesn’t always provide the sort of help we anticipate, but His method always produced the most glory.
I cherish the quiet times in the morning when the dust and false thinking and tricky emotions that may have settled on me from the day before are wiped clean with Truth. I am reminded that Jesus words are spirit and life. May my own words reflect that. I am, after all an unlikely container of Him. Trust His forgiveness and covering my sin when I fail. I am also unnerved, challenged, at the thought of asking God to override anything, anything in me or my agenda that is contrary to His will for me. That’s a puny sacrifice when I am thinking about the choices or decisions in life on any given day. It would be one thing were He to have said to my trip to Denver. But, when it costs or shatters my “should be’s”. What then?
On this, the third day of a new calendar year, I continue to put less stock in the date on a page, as some sort of artificial “new beginning”. I more feel Him pressing into my world, my to do lists, my every thought of what I think might happen and sense Him speaking into all of it.
“Will you ‘go out’ in complete surrender to Him until you are not surprised one iota by anything He does because you believe Him to be the God you have always known Him to be when you are nearest to Him?”-Oswald Chambers
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